Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Massage is the most natural of natural remedies. Touching your body where it hurts seem to be a basic instinct, like running from danger or eating when u r hungry.

EXPERTS say that massage, no matter how humble or low-tech it may seem, can be a powerful healer.
MASSAGE is one of the best way to help with the blood circulation, sore joints, headaches and lots of other problems.

MASSAGE has come a long way over the centuries. People around the world have developed special techniques, from the famous Swedish massage to the lesser-known but growing form such as Hellerwork, Trager and craniosacral therapy. many of these require years of training to be master and can't be done on yourself.

But experts say there are self-massage techniques that you can use to help with many common health concerns. You can rub away stress, headaches, restless legs, muscle cramps and more-all with techniques that require only practice, a worm quite spot and a little massage oil, which can make from ingredients of your kitchen.


Massage has been around 5000 years. Chinese, Japanese, Greeks, Roman, Egyptians and every other culture practiced some form of body manipulation to ease pain and prevent or cure illness.
In the nineteenth century, a Swede named Peter Hendrik Ling began to develop what is the most widely known and studied form of massage in the Western world: Swedish Massage.

If u have ever been treated to a full Swedish massage, u know how relaxing it can be. but many massage experts believe that it offers other benefits as well, including:

*Reducing muscle tention
*Stimulated or soothed nervous system
*Enhanced skin condition
*Improved blood circulation
*Better digestion and intestinal function
*Increased mobility in joints
*Relief of chronic pain
*Reduced swelling and inflammation
A therapist trained in Swedish massage uses soothing, tapping and kneading strokes to work the entire body, relieving muscle tension and loosening sore joints. Swedish massage therapists use five basic strokes, which anyone can learn and use on themselves and other. They are:

1. Effleurage - gliding stroke, warm up
2. Petrisage - lightly grab and lift muscles,
3. Friction -
4. Tapotement- chopping, beating and tapping
5. Vibration

There are many other form of massages also in the practice. some popular forms are:

Self massage isn't always the perfect answer to your health concerns. it's tough to give yourself a decent back rub, after all- u can't get perfect relaxation in one part of your body when you are flexing muscles in another to do the massage.
But if u r in hurry, can't afford a massage therapist or don't have a partner to massage you, there are techniques that u can try on yourself.

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