Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Shoping Malls

Shopping malls today are sophisticated palaces of poisons. Their factory fresh "foods" come in cans and various kinds of packaging. They're loaded with excessive salt, sugar, toxic sugar substitutes, allergenic glutens, and questionable chemicals.

Sugar substitutes are particularly noxious.

* The most used is high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). It's in almost all packaged foods. It's used because corn is plentiful in the US, it's very cheap, sweet, and it significantly enhances people's appetites, thereby enhancing their waistlines, hips and chins and, at the same time, enhancing manufacturer profits.

* Aspartame (using brand names like Equal) is considered a leading toxin by professional toxicologists.

* Sucralose (Splenda is the big brand name) is a chlorocarbon, made by marrying chlorine and carbon molecules. Chlorine undermines the immune system.

So, avoid sugar substitutes, except for Xyitol and stevia.

What should you eat? Exercise guru, Jack La Lanne, on the "Larry King Show," answered that question recently, saying "If man made it, don't eat it." That says it all - very simply. We agree with Jack, age 93, and still able to work out strenuously for hours.

Not only is a shopping mall a palace of poisons, it's also a perpetual P.T Barnum marketing circus. Barnum is famous for his quote, "there's a sucker born every minute."

People are vastly deceived when it comes to food.

They assume that the government would not allow manufacturers to make and market unsafe food. Wrong! Can you say, "campaign contributions for nice little boys and girls - senators and representatives - from agribusiness and huge food companies?"

I'm convinced that, similar to the cosmetics industry, the packaging of supermarket foods often costs the manufacturer more than the contents. The ambiance of today's upscale supermarkets is rather sad, if not bizarre. Examples:

1. Older people with poor teeth and poor posture shuffling along slowly, filling up baskets with soft foods (pudding, jello, white bread, cold cereal) to rot their remaining teeth even more and trash their brittle bones even faster.

2. Obese people waddling along laboriously and short of breath, pushing overflowing baskets of mostly snack junk food.

3. Small children lying on the floor screaming because Mom refuses to buy a worthless box of cold cereal, the package adorned by a monster or action hero.

4. Twenty-something women trying to stay slender, living on purchases of white wine and tasteless lettuce.

5. Working families and singles buying salt-laden, microwave boxed dinners for a fast meal.

6. My wife discovering an angel food cake with eight ingredients, including propylene glycol, a major ingredient in antifreeze.

Oh, well, it wouldn't freeze in the freezer, I guess, staying moist for 20 years perhaps. Thanks for small blessings.

7. And me, using a flimsy loaf of processed bread, standing in the isle and using the loaf as an accordion, squeezing it, and singing joyfully, pretending to be Lawrence Welk.

Upscale shopping malls offer more healthy foods than downscale supermarkets, which skillfully manipulate people with limited means, modest educations, and the pauper mindset with triple coupon "bargains" of huge bags of processed white flour, for example.

And, believe it or not, many poor inner city people have to buy their groceries at convenience stores, since no supermarket is nearby and they don't have autos. It's hard to be healthy consuming sodas and cupcakes for dinner.

Eat right, take nutritional supplements and vigorous exercise.

But if you eat poorly, health insurance, hospitals, doctors, synthetic drugs, exercise and supplements are all useless. If you refuse to stop eating poorly, it's a good idea to pre-plan your funeral now. Only an undertaker can give you the help you'll need, if you will not eat right.

If you put garbage in a can, it becomes a garbage can. Don't put garbage in your temple, your body.

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