Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Medicine is in need of complete and total reform—from the curriculum in medical schools to protecting patients from excessive medical intervention. It is obvious that we cannot change anything if we are not honest about what needs to be changed.


Nature provides us with a simple, straightforward system for regaining and maintaining superb human health and beauty.

• Healing with Food:
Most human illnesses and diseases are due to a deficiency of vital nutrients. When you supply your body with the proper nutrients, in a form that your body can use, it knows how to repair itself.

• Healing through Fasting:
Fasting is the world's most ancient and natural healing mechanism.

• Healing with Water:
Hydrotherapy has been used for centuries to heal the sick

• Healing with the Sea:
There is no family of foods more protective against radiation and environmental pollutants than sea vegetables.

• Healing with Sunlight:
Sunlight helps the body heal wounds and injuries and overcome virtually any illness.

• Healing with Earth:
Clay is renowned to have many uses in promoting health in plants, animals and humans.

• Healing with Plants:
Plants have the power to supply the bodies’ life force with the energies it needs to restore and maintain health.

• Healing with Urine:
One of the most powerful, most researched and most medically proven natural cures ever discovered.

• Healing from the Hives:
Bee pollen rejuvenates your body, stimulates organs and glands, enhances vitality, and brings about a longer life span.

Monday, November 10, 2008


There are no diseases, only disease. Singular, not plural. Disease should be perceived as life itself: an infinite number of shapes and forms, springing from the same primordial well. Disease is like life itself because it is a part of life, in the same way that death is part of life, forming a never-ending cycle in which energy is never lost but used time and again. He who understands life, understands disease.


The concept of pleomorphism was developed by French biologist Antoine Béchamp, Louis Pasteur's largest counterpart. It was Pasteur's claim that pathogens attack us from the outside and it's therefore essential that we kill them before they kill us. By viewing pathogens as external organisms, a war mentality is created, which causes one to adopt an anti-position and declare micro-organisms to be an enemy. This bellicosity is evident in our terminology. We 'fight' or 'battle' disease, 'kill' bacteria and a medicine can be 'antiviral'.

Béchamp demonstrated that this is not only a highly simplistic but also very unwise position to take. In true Pasteurian fashion, he declared war on pathogens in his experiments and battled them with all necessary means. Under the microscope he discovered that micro-organisms such as bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites possess the ability to transmutate, i.e. change form. In response to being attacked, a fungus would morph into a parasite, a bacteria into a virus, etcetera. The possibilities seemed endless. He also found they could team up together. The more vicious the attack, the more efficient micro-organisms became in warding off the attacks.

Béchamp identified 16 different forms. The American Royal Rife was later able to identify four. In my opinion the true number is infinite, because life will find a way no matter what. An Italian former oncologist (disbarred due to his controversial opinions) named Tullio Simoncini claims cancer is a fungus. There are, however, also viral forms of cancer and cancer has as well been linked with parasites. I hold the view that cancer is all of these and more and that cancer is therefore pleomorphic in character. It's for this reason that cancer will metastasize when hit with chemo or radiation therapy, a mindless approach which is only anti-disease and not pro-life.

The environment of the cells

Pathogens and micro-organisms are part of life. They are the original life forms and they fulfill a very complex function. All forms of cellular life on earth share genetic links. Humans are genetically linked to so-called pathogens, or micro-organisms. We actually consist of bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites and other micro-organisms and they form part of our system. Plants and animals are also made up of these. Béchamp discovered that if he stopped fighting micro-organisms and instead improved what he called the 'milieu', the environment of the cells, the so-called 'pathogens' did not disappear but actually aided in repairing the cells. By not focusing on the disease but on healing instead, Béchamp witnessed the pathogens doing the same. When he concentrated on the disease, however, and literally tried to combat it, the pathogens proved themselves to be the worst enemy. He showed that micro-organisms are the bridge between life and death, and the stage in between -- disease.

Béchamp successfully demonstrated that micro-organisms are genetically coded to clean up weaker organisms, because nature no longer considers them viable. However, this is generally a slow process and life offers every cell the resilience to recover and become stronger. The same micro-organisms have then been shown to possess the genetic code to help the cells remain viable. All of this is not caused by the micro-organisms themselves, but by a change in the cells' environment. This means that besides cell degeneration there is also the very real possibility of cell regeneration.

Yet the foundation of modern medicine did not become Béchamp's theory, but Pasteur's. As a result, we now have pasteurization, vaccination and medication, all of them based on keeping out 'intruders'. This leads us to fight ourselves. By pronouncing micro-organisms to be the enemy we are essentially putting ourselves outside of nature. Going against nature instead of working with it has created the wrong basis for medicine as we know it. Fighting life is nothing but death energy, leading to endless death, disease and toxic medication. It's a road into oblivion.

The intelligence of life

Did you know that salmonella and E. coli were once favorable gut bacteria which as a result of pasteurization have become potentially deadly pathogens? Did you know that when you drink unpasteurized, raw, organic, grass-fed milk you consume these bacteria, thus naturally protecting yourself by befriending the bacteria instead of turning them into enemies? Did you know that natural, unprocessed milk possesses a synergy of bacteria, fats, proteins, sugars and other substances in which salmonella and E. coli play a favorable role instead of being the dangerous pathogens we make them out to be? Do we really think we can 'beat' these primordial life forms which have been on this earth a few billion years longer than us? The force of nature, of life, is infinitely stronger and it's very dangerous and even arrogant to think we're above all this.

And that's just the example of milk. The same is true for all natural, unprocessed foods. Natural, unrefined sea salt, for example, is a mineral complex of no less than 84 minerals, among which are some very poisonous elements such as mercury, aluminum, arsenic and lead. In their isolated form these elements can cause sickness and death, but in synergy with the other 80 minerals contained in natural sea salt they are not only harmless but even necessary. Only nature has the intelligence to provide the necessary balance to make this possible. Life works according to complex wholes, never the isolates our reductionist and mechanistic 'science' likes to work with. By trying to force out bacteria with antibiotics (literally: anti-life) we have even created super bacteria like the MRSA and staph bugs in hospitals, making the very places that are supposed to make us better, a true haven for deadly pathogens! Diseases we thought we had eradicated are coming back with a vengeance and there is no vaccine or medicine that can protect us. Except when we improve the environment of our cells, our immune system. Herein lies our future, not in Pasteurian medication and vaccination.

There are numerous examples of the intelligence of life both inside and outside ourselves, which defy Pasteurian logic. For instance, if fungi and viruses were really ruthless pathogens destroying everything in their path, then we would be facing cruel death squads which must be carpet-bombed before they annihilate our entire system. This seems to be the vision held by science with regard to these micro-organisms. Scientists do attribute some form of intelligence to them, though. They have identified that these micro-organisms are in fact so small they're able to 'fool' the immune system and even appear to be smart enough to lock themselves inside the nucleus of a cell. Some micro-organisms are also capable of surviving in both an aerobic (oxygen-rich) and an anaerobic (oxygen-starved) environment. If micro-organisms are really capable of surviving in so many different ways and fooling the immune system, then what is that saying about the intelligence of our immune system? This brings us to labels such as 'auto-immune disease'. An immune system that attacks itself is not very smart, is it?

Or does this apply to the people that develop these theories? Could it be that fungi and viruses are in fact very intelligent, intelligent enough to selectively clean up only those organisms which are too weak to live? Could it be that our immune system deliberately lets these micro-organisms through to carry out their job unhindered? Shouldn't we be grateful to both our immune system and these 'pathogens', even if they can weaken and maybe kill us? Wouldn't it be a better idea to ask ourselves why these 'pathogens' are systematically cleaning us up and focus on strengthening these weak spots? Life wants to go on and shows incredible resilience. If you work with this power and give your body the substances it needs to build itself back up, it will set out immediately to regenerate the cells. Life is not a war, it's a dance. The word 'uni-verse' means 'one song'. All we have to do is to sing and dance along.

Some examples of the intelligence of micro-organisms from nature:

There are mushrooms (fungi) which grow on dead or half-dead tree trunks. Their job is to clean up these tree trunks. If nature were really reckless, wouldn't the fungi in their appetite for destruction clean up the entire forest? Did you ever wonder why that rose bush in your garden is eaten by lice and the plant next to it isn't? If insects were that gluttonous, pretty soon you wouldn't have much of a garden left! You may choose to spray the lice with some chemical substance that kills everything in its path and in the short term, that will do the trick. It won't make your rose bush much healthier, though, because now it also has toxins to deal with. Or you can choose not to concentrate on the lice but instead on the plant's health by administering the roots and the soil the proper nutrients. Eventually the lice will decide to move on to another weak plant and your reward will be the most beautiful roses.

The same is true for your body. Nature rewards when you cooperate with her. Through fermentation, Japanese scientist Teruo Higa developed a synergetic complex of some 80 micro-organisms, among which are acids and fungi, which he calls EM, Effective Micro-organisms. EM has been used successfully in agriculture to enrich soil life, but it also appears to have purifying qualities for water. Not only that, it is drinkable for people and can enhance their immune system, particularly people with Crohn's disease and other bowel disorders. Interesting, isn't it, when you consider that our bowels are our 'soil', our 'roots'? In the same way, root vegetables and herbs are beneficial to our liver and guts. A healthy liver and healthy guts (soil, roots) promote healthy growth of the whole. Another parallel we have with nature.

Disease as a teacher

Love is the healing power of nature. Unconditional love is defined as giving without taking. This is the force of nature: she gives without ever taking back. Don't be misled by stories about 'nature's revenge' or other tales of doom. Only by giving to yourself and loving yourself including your disease and concentrating on your soil and roots, the environment of the cells, are you able to really heal. By seeing yourself outside of the disease and by hating the part of you which is sick and declaring war on it, you hate that part of you which you don't like and declare war on yourself. This goes against the universal force of love, with ultimately death as a consequence.

Disease is life and death at the same time and every day we can make a choice between negative, sickening death energy or positive, life-creating energy. Disease offers us a unique chance to ponder our ways and make the necessary change in the way we feed ourselves, both physically and emotionally, energetically and spiritually. It's the whole package: mind, body and soul. Disease is a teacher. Learn the lesson well and you learn to find the love in yourself and others. If you don't learn the lesson well, the disease will lick you and you should try again in another life.

Here's that lesson:

True growth starts at the bottom and the only way is up. The only intelligence we value is academic intelligence, the intelligence of the thinking brain. We reward this with status in the form of money and other material things, all of it external stuff. This means a lot of energy is going to the top, to our heads, causing us to be stuck in rational thought. But rational thought is amoral and often immoral, which means we can reason away anything and everything. Some of this reasoning is in our history books, which tell us the atom bombs thrown on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 were 'necessary because they ended the war and saved a lot of bloodshed'. Anyone with a heart couldn't possibly say this.

Translated to our organs, the energy is top-down: from the head to the heart to the guts. That is exactly the wrong way around. Have you ever watched a flower, plant or tree grow upside down? Think also about the route our food takes: we digest it in our bowels, it is then transported to the heart, which pumps the blood around, and only then does it reach the head. Isn't it interesting to observe that our body does not give priority to our head and the extremities when it comes to the transportation of blood, but instead gives priority to the vital organs in our abdominal and chest cavities? If our bodies follow that order then why don't we? Instead, we're stuck in thought and are unable to develop feelings about our experiences, let alone digest them.

Being inside our heads is disease number one in the western world. No wonder there's so much depression, heart disease and bowel complaints! You can free yourself from this today by deciding to make changes in your life. The closer you are to nature, the closer you are to your own nature. Disease is a reminder that you are too far removed from nature. This is the true meaning of disease.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


The next time that you experience a cold or the flu, remember this: giving your body plenty of rest while allowing the cold or flu to run its course is good for your health. Conventional medicine and the pharmaceutical industry would have you believe that there is no "cure" for the common cold, that you should protect yourself against the flu with a vaccine that is laden with toxic chemicals, and that during the midst of a cold or flu, it is favorable to ease your discomfort with a variety of medications that can suppress your symptoms.

Unfortunately, all three of these positions represent a lack of understanding of what colds and flus really are, and what they mean to your body.

Colds and flus are caused by viruses. So to understand what colds and flus do at a cellular level, you have to understand what viruses do at a cellular level.

Do you remember learning about cellular division in grade seven science class? Each of your cells are called parent cells, and through processes of genetic duplication (mitosis) and cellular division (cytokinesis), each of your parent cells divides into two daughter cells. Each daughter cell is then considered a parent cell that will divide into two more daughter cells, and so on, and so on, and so on.

Viruses are different from your cells in that they cannot duplicate themselves through mitosis and cytokinesis. Viruses are nothing but microscopic particles of genetic material, each coated by a thin layer of protein.

Due to their design, viruses are not able to reproduce on their own. The only way that viruses can flourish in your body is by using the machinery and metabolism of your cells to produce multiple copies of themselves.

Once a virus has gained access into one of your cells, depending on the type of virus involved, one of two things can happen:

1. The virus uses your cell's resources to replicate itself many times over and then breaks open (lyses) the cell so that the newly replicated viruses can leave in search of new cells to infect. Lysis effectively kills your cell.

2. The virus incorporates itself into the DNA of your cell, which allows the virus to be passed on to each daughter cell that stems from this cell. Later on, the virus in each daughter cell can begin replicating itself as described above. Once multiple copies of the virus have been produced, the cell is lysed.

Both possibilities lead to the same result: eventually, the infected cell can die due to lysis.

Here is the key to understanding why colds and flus, when allowed to run their course while you rest, can be good for you:

By and large, the viruses that cause the common cold and the flu infect mainly your weakest cells; cells that are already burdened with excessive waste products and toxins are most likely to allow viruses to infect them. These are cells that you want to get rid of anyway, to be replaced by new, healthy cells.

So in the big scheme of things, a cold or flu is a truly natural tool that can allow your body to purge itself of old and damaged cells that, in the absence of viral infection, would normally take much longer to identify, destroy, and eliminate.

Have you ever been amazed by how much "stuff" you could blow out of your nose while you had a cold or the flu? Embedded within all of that mucous are countless dead cells that your body is saying good bye to, largely due to the lytic effect of viruses.

So you see, there never needs to be a cure for the common cold, since the common cold is nature's way of keeping you healthy over the long term. And so long as you get plenty of rest and strive to stay hydrated and properly nourished during a cold or flu, there is no need to get vaccinated or to take medications that suppress congested sinuses, a fever, or coughing. All of these uncomfortable symptoms are actually ways in which your body works to eliminate waste products and/or help your body get through a cold or flu. It's best to avoid medications that aim to suppress helpful processes such as fever, coughing, and a runny nose.

It's important to note that just because colds and flus can be helpful to your body doesn't mean that you need to experience them to be at your best. If you take good care of your health and immune system by getting plenty of rest and consistently making health-promoting dietary and lifestyle choices, your cells may stay strong enough to avoid getting infected by viruses that come knocking on their membranes. In this scenario, you won't have enough weak and extraneous cells to require a cold or the flu to work its way through your body to identify and lyse them.

A cold usually comes on gradually -- over the course of a day or two. Generally, it leaves you feeling tired, sneezing, coughing and plagued by a running nose. You often don't have a fever, but when you do, it's only slightly higher than normal. Colds usually last three to four days, but can hang around for 10 days to two weeks.

Flu, on the other hand, comes on suddenly and hits hard. You will feel weak and tired and you could run a fever as high as 40 C. Your muscles and joints will probably ache, you will feel chilled and could have a severe headache and sore throat. Getting off the couch or out of bed will be a chore. The fever may last three to five days, but you could feel weak and tired for two to three weeks.

One final note on this topic: because the common cold and the flu are both caused by viruses, antibiotics are not necessary. People who take antibiotics while suffering with a cold or flu often feel slightly better because antibiotics have a mild anti-inflammatory effect. But this benefit is far outweighed by the negative impact that antibiotics have on friendly bacteria that live throughout your digestive tract.


Despite the luxuries of the modern world and the perceived abundance of food, the human body is much the same as it was 10,000 generations ago. During that time, known as the Paleolithic Period, humans did not have welfare, food stamps or discount grocers. As a result, men and women did not eat nearly as regularly as we do now, and on average about one day per week they would go without any food at all. Obesity was unheard of as anyone who managed to become overweight was quickly devoured by wild predators due to their sluggishness. During this period (which covers Pliocene and the Pleistocene epochs) our bodies developed powerful detoxification methods that were triggered by the rhythm of food consumption of the era. Nearly 99% of humans existence was during this period. The last two centuries of the Industrial Revolution are a mere instant compared to our entire history on Earth, which is not nearly enough time to evolve or even adjust to our modern diets of processed food.

Just what is Fasting?

Deliberately ceasing to ingest food is called fasting and has been used throughout history by both people and animals to restore and maintain optimal health. Animals that become ill instinctively know to heal themselves properly by resting near a source of clean water and refraining from eating. For this reason your veterinarian will often ask whether your pet has been eating when trying to diagnose an illness. You may also have noticed that when you are very ill you lose your appetite. This was your body forcing you to fast against your will, but it should never come to that point.

When living creatures stop eating, they reserve energy normally used for digestion and they experience the miracle of fasting. Many dismiss fasting and say "but I can't go without food... I need my nutrition". Ironically those who use this as an excuse are usually munching away on a fast food burger that not only provides zero nutrition, but actually taxes the body of energy for digestion and strips away nutrients while leaving toxic residues. While humans can only go a few minutes without oxygen and a few days without water, we can go up to 70 days without food! In fact, a 30 or 40 day fast is considered by many to be the key to physical and spiritual enlightenment.

While our bodies are extremely efficient and store most substances "for a rainy day", there are many unnatural and unfortunate toxins in our environment that should not be stored, and the only way to release many of them is through fasting. The enzymes in our blood are normally preoccupied with digestion, however after we go for 24 hours without food digestion ceases and detoxification begins. Those same enzymes (never wanting to take a break) move from the gut into the bloodstream where they immediately begin purifying the body, neutralizing toxins, dissolving cysts, destroying cancer cells and releasing stored toxins from cells where they are eliminated from the body

During a fast, the level of toxins in the bloodstream can increase by as much as 1000%, meaning uncomfortable symptoms such as headaches may occur. In general, during a fast, the worse you feel the more it is working, because these unnatural substances take their toll one way or another, whether via a slow time-release or a quick purge. Subsequent fasts will feature less uncomfortable symptoms as our bodies have less accumulated toxins.

If you have never fasted, chances are there are substances in your body that have been there your entire life and which do not belong there. Thus, the first fast is the toughest.

In a nutshell, fasting means you cease ingestion while continuing (or increasing) excretion, resulting in a net reduction in toxins. There are a handful of essential products that will assist the detoxification process and reduce some of the uncomfortable symptoms. If you tend to have excess mucous and allergies, you will likely find your sinuses totally clear by day 2 of the fast (however the symptoms are typically worse during the first day as the toxins are being released in higher than normal quantities).

Types of Fasts

1) Total fast – A total fast means not consuming any food or water. While it may be that when we become severely dehydrated our cells are able to squeeze out toxins that would otherwise remain in the water (and thus in the cells), and while plants often bounce back stronger after they are dehydrated, pure fasting is generally not recommended as water is essential to eliminate toxins.

2) Water fast – A water fast means consuming only water. While safer than total fasting, there are some beneficial substances that are alright to consume during a fast so this fast is also not recommended, especially for beginners.

3) Juice fast - A juice fast means consuming only liquids like freshly squeezed juice, with no solid foods. You must also refrain from consuming any caffeine, nicotine, alcohol or prescription drugs. This is the most common type of fasting and the one we will explore in this article.

Next we'll explore the five key substances that you should have in stock to support periodic fasting.

Top Five Fasting Products

1) Distilled Water - (H20)

Distilled water is pure, condensed steam, as nature intended. While spring water companies pretend that non-distilled water contains essential minerals, the reality is that humans do not absorb required minerals from water. Only chelated minerals (produced by vegetables) can be absorbed. Reverse osmosis is the next purest form of water.

2) Bentonite Clay - Aluminium Phyllosilicate (Montmorillonite)

Bentonite clay (available in two forms called sodium bentonite and calcium bentonite) is a form of volcanic ash that is a natural adsorbent and which has the remarkable ability to physically remove 25 times its weight in impurities from the body, including mercury, viruses and pesticide residues. Bentonite contains high levels of Iron, Magnesium and Silicon. Bentonite has laxative action and is also used in cement, ceramics, acne medication, cat litter, and to clarify white wine.

3) Psyllium (seed husks) – Plantago spp. (Plantaginaceae)

Psyllium seeds husks, available in powdered or capsule form, contain fiber along with the amazing ability to absorb massive amounts of water. One teaspoon of psyllium, when added to a ½ cup of water will create a mixture that becomes so thick within the first minute that it is the consistency of pudding. Psyllium acts as a laxative and provides soothing moisture to areas that are commonly chapped due to digestive acids. For this reason it is used to treat stomach ulcers and hemorrhoids.

4) Milk Thistle (seed) - Silybum marianum (Compositae)

Milk thistle is a flower whose seeds offer the antioxidant Silymarin, one of the most powerful liver tonics available. It is so potent that it serves as the antidote to poison Death Cap mushrooms, one of the most deadly natural substances known and one that would otherwise cause death within 24 hours. Milk thistle is used to treat cirrhosis of the liver and even promotes healing in those who continue to drink alcohol. It also promotes lactation and is a natural antidepressant.

5) Cascara Sagrada (bark) - Rhamnus purshiana (Rhamnacea)

Cascara Sagrada (or "sacred bark") is one of the only safe herbal laxatives besides psyllium. Used for over 1000 years, Cascara Sagrada bark promotes peristaltic action within 12 hours (the rule of thumb being "take in the PM for an AM BM [Bowel Movement]). Normally when we ingest meals the current meal helps move out the previous meals. However, during a fast it is essential to assist the elimination process in order to effectively remove the large amount of impurities that are trying to make a simultaneous exit.

Instructions for your first (36 hour) Fast

* On a weeknight of your choice, consume a vegetarian meal as your final meal. Popcorn is a good final snack to have before the fast. Consuming meat or dairy as the final meal will complicate the fasting process due to the high content of protein and possibly dangerous substances like sodium nitrate. Note, your first fast should occur on a non-work day as you will likely not feel so well.

* For the entire next day, from sunset to bedtime, consume only freshly squeezed (non bottled) juice, along with the substances listed above (see labels for correct amounts to consume). Drink a big glass of (1 Tbsp) Psyllium with (1 Tbsp) Bentonite Clay and water, and an hour later take any other herbs that are part of your fast. Taking them together is less effective since one removes the other. You will feel hungry and may eat out of habit so be careful. Getting to sleep that night can be tricky.

* On the morning after your first full day without food, enjoy a healthy vegetarian "break" fast. Again, you may be surprised to find that by the 36 hour point you are no longer hungry and you will have increased energy. For this reason you may decide to go longer periods as you gain experience with fasting.

For more information about fasting along with some herbs that help alleviate the symptoms of detoxification, please see the sequel to this article: The Miracle of Fasting Part 2: (Reducing Discomfort). Note: although fasting is generally extremely safe, if you have medical problems or are taking medication you should consult your doctor first.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Shoping Malls

Shopping malls today are sophisticated palaces of poisons. Their factory fresh "foods" come in cans and various kinds of packaging. They're loaded with excessive salt, sugar, toxic sugar substitutes, allergenic glutens, and questionable chemicals.

Sugar substitutes are particularly noxious.

* The most used is high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). It's in almost all packaged foods. It's used because corn is plentiful in the US, it's very cheap, sweet, and it significantly enhances people's appetites, thereby enhancing their waistlines, hips and chins and, at the same time, enhancing manufacturer profits.

* Aspartame (using brand names like Equal) is considered a leading toxin by professional toxicologists.

* Sucralose (Splenda is the big brand name) is a chlorocarbon, made by marrying chlorine and carbon molecules. Chlorine undermines the immune system.

So, avoid sugar substitutes, except for Xyitol and stevia.

What should you eat? Exercise guru, Jack La Lanne, on the "Larry King Show," answered that question recently, saying "If man made it, don't eat it." That says it all - very simply. We agree with Jack, age 93, and still able to work out strenuously for hours.

Not only is a shopping mall a palace of poisons, it's also a perpetual P.T Barnum marketing circus. Barnum is famous for his quote, "there's a sucker born every minute."

People are vastly deceived when it comes to food.

They assume that the government would not allow manufacturers to make and market unsafe food. Wrong! Can you say, "campaign contributions for nice little boys and girls - senators and representatives - from agribusiness and huge food companies?"

I'm convinced that, similar to the cosmetics industry, the packaging of supermarket foods often costs the manufacturer more than the contents. The ambiance of today's upscale supermarkets is rather sad, if not bizarre. Examples:

1. Older people with poor teeth and poor posture shuffling along slowly, filling up baskets with soft foods (pudding, jello, white bread, cold cereal) to rot their remaining teeth even more and trash their brittle bones even faster.

2. Obese people waddling along laboriously and short of breath, pushing overflowing baskets of mostly snack junk food.

3. Small children lying on the floor screaming because Mom refuses to buy a worthless box of cold cereal, the package adorned by a monster or action hero.

4. Twenty-something women trying to stay slender, living on purchases of white wine and tasteless lettuce.

5. Working families and singles buying salt-laden, microwave boxed dinners for a fast meal.

6. My wife discovering an angel food cake with eight ingredients, including propylene glycol, a major ingredient in antifreeze.

Oh, well, it wouldn't freeze in the freezer, I guess, staying moist for 20 years perhaps. Thanks for small blessings.

7. And me, using a flimsy loaf of processed bread, standing in the isle and using the loaf as an accordion, squeezing it, and singing joyfully, pretending to be Lawrence Welk.

Upscale shopping malls offer more healthy foods than downscale supermarkets, which skillfully manipulate people with limited means, modest educations, and the pauper mindset with triple coupon "bargains" of huge bags of processed white flour, for example.

And, believe it or not, many poor inner city people have to buy their groceries at convenience stores, since no supermarket is nearby and they don't have autos. It's hard to be healthy consuming sodas and cupcakes for dinner.

Eat right, take nutritional supplements and vigorous exercise.

But if you eat poorly, health insurance, hospitals, doctors, synthetic drugs, exercise and supplements are all useless. If you refuse to stop eating poorly, it's a good idea to pre-plan your funeral now. Only an undertaker can give you the help you'll need, if you will not eat right.

If you put garbage in a can, it becomes a garbage can. Don't put garbage in your temple, your body.



According to the original theory proposed by Robert Gallo of the US National Cancer Institute and Luc Montagnier of the Pasteur Institute in Paris, this virus had the capacity, unique in the history of infectious disease, to talk the immune system into committing suicide.
Then, a few heretics like Dr Peter Duesberg, a leading specialist on retroviruses and professor of molecular biology at the University of California, turned this assumption inside out. Duesberg put forward an exhaustive scientific argument that AIDS was simply, as he put it, '25 previously known, and in part entirely unrelated diseases' that have been redefined as AIDS only because they happen to occur in a patient who tests positive for HIV in a highly unreliable blood test.
It was Duesberg who first proposed that AIDS was a lifestyle disease. Practices among the gay community, he argued - a high number of sexual partners, receptive anal intercourse, constant exposure to recreational drugs, especially nitrites - eventually overwhelmed the immune system. Impurities in the blood caused immune-system breakdown among haemophiliacs or blood transfusion recipients, as did opiates among drug users. Malnutrition caused AIDS among Africans.
AIDS was simply a new name for an old suit of clothes - or wardrobe, to be exact.
But there were still niggling problems with the theory. Why did gay men who didn’t use poppers get AIDS? What about HIV-positive babies? Why did Arthur Ashe - Mr Clean of Tennis - die of a single blood transfusion?
These have been answered by the brilliant findings of Dr Mohammed Ali Al-Bayati. A toxicologist and pathologist, Dr Al-Bayati stumbled upon the fact that regular use of prescribed steroids causes severe immune suppression that for all the world looks like AIDS.
As Al-Bayati looked further, it became clear to him that the single factor linking nearly every high-risk group is regular use of steroids. In the case of Africans, it has long been known that prolonged malnutrition eventually causes immune-system meltdown. But to all intents and purposes, he argues, steroid treatment is AIDS.
What this means is that our medical technology has so spiraled out of control that it has the capability of plague-like mass extermination. AIDS is the ultimate iatrogenic illness. Perhaps those letters ought to stand for: Actually, It’s Doctors, Stupid.
My medical hero and mentor Dr Robert Mendelsohn wrote, in Confessions of a Medical Heretic: 'I believe that more than 90 per cent of Modern Medicine could disappear from the face of the earth - doctors, hospitals, drugs and equipment - and the effect on our health would be immediate and beneficial.'
This is undoubtedly the case with AIDS. Drugs for one condition cause the disease itself and, if they don’t kill you, then the lethal cocktail of drugs used to treat the disease caused by the first set of drugs will finish off the job.
The only way we will ever win our War on AIDS is to appreciate that some of the biggest weapons of mass destruction on the planet today sit right there in your doctor’s little black bag.



Have you ever noticed how you feel happier when you have a chance to sit or walk in the warm sun? Doesn't just going outside on a sunny day calm your nerves and lift your spirits?
By contrast, consider what happens and how you feel during the cold and dreary winter months. Many of us experience darker moods. We are more likely to become sick with colds and flu. We often gain weight and crave carbohydrates.
Then, come spring and summer, these symptoms magically disappear without treatment. Well, there is a reason for this.
Your body needs sunlight just like it needs nutrients. In many ways, your physiology is as closely linked to the sun as that of plants. Plants use sunlight to photosynthesize chlorophyll. By a comparable process your body uses sunlight to photosynthesize vitamin D -- a molecule that is vitally essential to almost every aspect of your biochemistry and physiology.
Decades of scientific research prove the importance of vitamin D. In addition to the noticeable lift it gives your mood, it also helps lower blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar; improves your immunity; regulates your weight; increases muscle strength; normalizes sleep cycles; and boosts brain function.
It has also been shown to prevent many chronic diseases, including the three biggest killers of our generation -- heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
On the other side of the coin, a deficiency of vitamin D is clearly associated with increased risk of a long list of health conditions, including everything from Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and autism, to bone and muscle pain, behavior disorders, depression, gluten intolerance, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, infertility and tooth decay... just to name a few.
And here's why this should matter to you:
It is estimated that more than 90% of the population is deficient in this vital nutrient (technically, it is a hormone), at least part of the year. That means there is a good chance that YOU are deficient, putting your health at risk, including potentially doubling your risk of cancer. With fall and winter weather coming soon, this is something you should address right away.
There are several risk factors for vitamin D deficiency. The most obvious is your lifestyle and the amount of sunlight you are exposed to.  If you work indoors, spend most of your time indoors, and get very little sunlight on your skin, you are almost certainly deficient.
Three to five days per week, you should aim for at least 15 to 20 minutes in the sunlight (with as much of your skin exposed as possible).
Where you live is also a factor. In the mid to higher latitudes, UV-B radiation is extremely limited during the fall, winter and spring. In his book, The UV Advantage, Dr. Michael Holick shows that any area north of 35° latitude (or south of the corresponding latitude in the southern hemisphere) will not receive enough UV radiation to trigger adequate vitamin D production for approximately six months out of the year.  In the US, this is anywhere above Atlanta, Georgia.
That means even if you spend a significant amount of time outside, about half the year the sun is too low in the sky for your body to produce vitamin D.  Likewise, if you usually wear sunscreen when you are exposed to the sun, you are likely to be deficient. A sunscreen with an SPF of 8 reduces vitamin D production by 95%!
Other risk factors for vitamin D deficiency include your age (as you age, you need more sun to produce vitamin D), your skin type (darker skin types need more sun to produce vitamin D), and even your weight (vitamin D becomes trapped in body fat and cannot exert its effects).
In any case, the only way to really know if you are deficient is to have your blood tested for levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D, also called 25(OH)D.  It's best to measure twice a year -- once at the end of winter when your levels are lowest, and once at the end of summer when your levels are highest. At the very least, you should get an annual measurement. The gold standard vitamin D test is from the company DiaSorin.
To get an idea of what "normal" is, let's look at populations living near the equator where we all evolved from.  At or near the equator, the average person has vitamin D levels around 50 ng/mL. This is considered optimal.

Here are the generally accepted graduated levels of vitamin D deficiency:
 Extreme deficiency: 20 ng/mL (high risk of various conditions)
 Clinically deficient: below 32 ng/mL (increased risk of various conditions)
 Borderline deficient: below 35 ng/mL
 Acceptable: 35-45 ng/mL
 Healthy: 45-55 ng/mL, or
 Optimal: 55 ng/mL
 Excess: greater than 100 ng/mL
 Intoxication: greater than 150 ng/mL
Ideally, you want to maintain a healthy year-round level around 50 ng/mL. The question now is, how much vitamin D do you need... and how can you get optimal levels when the sun is low in the sky?
The government says if you are a male or female between 1 and 50 years of age, you need only 200 IU of vitamin D per day. But according to current research, the government is dead wrong on this point. The recommended daily allowance will only serve to prevent the most serious deficiency.
In one study performed at Creighton University in Omaha, researchers found that adults will use 3,000 to 5,000 units of vitamin D per day, if it is available to the body.1 In other words, the amount your body actually uses on a daily basis is 20 times more than the government says you need!
Also consider how much vitamin D your body makes when exposed to sunlight. During the summer months, if you expose most of your body to direct sunlight until your skin turns very slightly pink, your body will produce approximately 20,000 IU of vitamin D. This is 100 times greater than the recommended daily allowance (RDA).
After a review of numerous studies, it appears that 4,000 IU of vitamin D per day, from all sources, is about optimal. If you get some (but not a lot) of sun exposure, then you probably only need to consume about 2,000 IU per day from food and supplements.

Finally, let's address how to get enough vitamin D when you cannot get it from sunlight.
It is important to recognize that very few foods naturally contain vitamin D. Those that do, provide only a small amount. For example, a 3.5 ounce portion of salmon (one of the richest food sources) contains just 360 IU. The same amount of sardines contains 270 IU. One egg delivers just 25 IU.  You should definitely be consuming these foods, but don't expect them to affect your vitamin D status very much.
Cod liver oil is the most concentrated natural food source of vitamin D. But cod liver oil also contains a significant amount of vitamin A. And too much vitamin A can be harmful. To get the vitamin D you need from cod liver oil, could mean that you are consuming too much vitamin A. That's why I strongly suggest taking fish oil for the omega-3s (fish oil has no vitamin D), and getting your vitamin D from sunlight and dedicated supplements.
Most people should supplement with vitamin D in the late fall, winter, and early spring. You should also consider supplementing year round if you have darkly pigmented skin, are over 65, if you're overweight, or if you just can't bring yourself to go into the sun without sunscreen.
You can start by adding a good quality multivitamin to your daily routine. But most multivitamins are only a start. The average multi contains 400 IU of vitamin D -- only about 10 to 20% of what you need.
There are two companies that make dedicated vitamin D supplements I would recommend -- Carlson's and Bio-Tech Pharmacal. Carlson's brand is carried in many health food stores and they have products that contain 2,000 or 4,000 IU in small, easy to take gel caps.
For larger amounts, consider Bio-Tech Pharmacal, a federally licensed, FDA approved manufacturer that produces pharmacological doses of vitamin D in 1,000, 5,000, and 5,0000 IU strengths.
However, please note: you should never take more than 5000 IU of vitamin D on a regular basis without consulting a physician and having your blood levels tested. You want to measure your vitamin D levels periodically to make sure that you bring your levels into a healthy range, without overdoing it.
Don't wait. Arrange today, to have your vitamin D levels checked. If they're low, it's easy to fix. By taking these steps in the wintertime, you can boost your vitamin D to a healthy level year-round and dramatically reduce your risks of many chronic diseases.

Thursday, July 31, 2008


Have you ever tried slowing down your breath? What is the fewest number of breaths that you can take in one minute? When you breathe deeply and slowly, can you feel your mind relaxing? You may be surprised to discover many benefits for your body and mind from breathing slowly. It may in fact be one of the most important things you can do.

Lower Blood Pressure

While increasing physical activity, maintaining balanced weight, and eating a diet high in fruit and vegetables and light on the salt are important ways to lower blood pressure naturally, taking time to breathe slowly and consciously is also being shown to have a significantly positive effect.

Research at the National Institutes of Health suggests that breathing slowly for a few minutes a day is enough to help people lower blood pressure naturally without pills or supplements. In fact, scientists believe that how we breathe may hold a key to how the body regulates blood pressure.

How to Relieve Stress

There are a number of reasons why this works. First, if you have tried slowing down your breathing, you have probably noticed that it slows down your mind. People have been using breathing techniques for centuries as one of the most powerful stress relievers to calm the body and mind. Yoga, meditation, and chi gong are based around this principal.

Break Down Salt

Researchers claim that in addition to deep relaxation, breathing slowly breaks down the salt that we eat.

Dr. David Anderson, who heads research into how to lower blood pressure with behavior at the NIH’s National Institute on Aging, is working to demonstrate this with the help of a special gadget that trains volunteers with high blood pressure to slow-breathe. His studies are revealing a connection between high blood pressure, stress and diet.

“If you sit there under-breathing all day (as most people do) and you have a high salt intake, your kidneys may be less effective at getting rid of that salt than if you’re out hiking in the woods,” said Anderson.

Why is balanced Blood Pressure essential to our health?

People that have high blood pressure have an increased risk of heart attacks, strokes, kidney damage, blindness and dementia. It is often called the silent killer, because patients may notice no symptoms until it already has done serious damage.

Improve Circulation with Slow Breathing

Many people have cold hands and cold feet, even in the summer. This condition is uncomfortable, is a sign of bad circulation. Circulation is what nourishes our organs and our bodies with oxygen and nutrients. It is absolutely essential for optimum health. It can be completely restored by slow breathing!

Poor circulation is related to high blood pressure and will lower the body's immunity. When the body cannot pump blood through the arteries, the pressure builds up. When blood does not flow well, white blood cells cannot go where they are needed to defend the body against invaders. The white blood cells are core to the immune system, and they defend against viruses, cancer cells, infections, and other illnesses.

If you need more help with slow breathing, just find a good yoga class. It is incredibly simple and can transform your health.


Stress is a big challenge in life nowadays. The sources of stress are many and the helpful ways to reduce stress are also plentiful. Common symptoms of stress include skin problems, impotence, stomach ulcers, high blood pressure, fatigue, insomnia and frustration.

We don't need to set a time to reduce stress, we need to incorporate some strategies in our daily life routine to prevent stress and reduce its effect on the body.

Here are 10 simple steps we can easily take to reduce stress:

1. Define your goals: we must define our life goals and begin to achieve these goals; this action will support us against stress because we will feel that we know what our life purpose is and why, and that we control our own lives.

2. Take control of your diet: we can use simple ways in our diet plans to reduce stress by avoiding some stimulants such as coffee, alcohol, tea and sugar and we can use chamomile tea as an alternative because of its calming and relaxing effect. We need to eat slowly in a calm environment to allow our digestive system to work well. We can use honey as an alternative to sugar but in small amounts (one or two spoonfuls per day).

3. Take hot baths regularly: after a very busy day or when we feel that we need to relax (I do this three times a week). You can take a hot bath by sitting in warm to hot water and the water level should be above the waist, using lavender oil can also enhance this relaxing experience.

4. Aromatherapy: in the office you can use aromatherapy to relax and avoid stress. One of the best ways is to use lavender oil on a source of heat and take in the scent; this is a great way to relax during the day when you need it the most.

5. Exercise: This is one of the important things you can do which will reduce stress and bring happiness. When we exercise, our brains release substances which bring feelings of happiness and relaxation; we need engage in some exercise regularly such as walking, dancing or swimming.

6. Breathing techniques: Yoga, meditation and Tai Chi all use deep breathing techniques. To meditate, simply sit with closed eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Breathing deeply regularly is great for health and from there, you can learn various other breathing techniques to gain enhanced benefits.

7. Relaxation techniques and self hypnotherapy: we can easily do this after the hot bath to relax even more, simply sit or lie down in a comfortable place with your eyes closed, imagine there is a spot light above your head and concentrate on it, then concentrate on your body part by part and try to relax the body and feel the relaxation deepening -- you can also use a self hypnotherapy audio tape to help in this process.

8. Massage: this is a great way to reduce stress, I do this when other ways fail, I feel better after receiving a massage. You can get a professional massage or you can simply ask your partner to massage you.

9. Spiritual healing: prayers and the act of helping others are very important components for happiness and stress reduction. You will feel calmer and have a sense of inner peace.

10. Talking through your problems: talking about your feelings acts as a releasing mechanism and you will soon find that talking about your problems with your partner or best friend may help the solution to the problem come to light and will help to release blocked emotions.

11. Multivitamins: I take a Vitamin B complex regularly to decrease stress and this has been a great help in my stress reduction.

I hope that you find these suggestions helpful, my hope in sharing this information with you is that you can benefit from it. Reading about this is not enough to reduce stress, you must take action.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Too much scrubbing, overuse of astringents and over exposure to the hot sun, robs your skin of moisture and you got the wrinkles.
you can overcome from them by using natural therapies underwritten.

ACCUPRESSURE: TO tone facial muscle press both facial beauty points, St 3. hold these points for one minute three times a day.

AROMATHERAPY: To minimize the appearance of wrinkles and help prevent new ones, use the mixture of rose and everlast essential oils.

MASSAGE:- Two self massage daily can nourish and relax facial tissue and skin. use two techniques 1. Patting 2. wrinkle release.

Friday, July 25, 2008


The crumbling paradigm of Western medicine likes to break down body function according to convenient classifications such as nerves, immunity, hormones, etc. In reality your brain is a central processor of all systems in your body and thus has connections that link nerves, immune function, and hormones into one symphony of function. In other words, it is not possible to study only neurotransmitters like serotonin or dopamine and actually understand what your brain is doing.

Ten percent of the cells in your brain are neurotransmitter related. The other 90% are glial cells, also called astrocytes. For decades scientists thought that 90% of your brain was nothing more than a structural framework, simply because scientific tools were not adequate to understand what glial cells were doing, but that has changed in the past 10 years. Glial cells run your brain and your neurotransmitters. They are the brokers of all information coming into your brain – with direct links to your immune system and endocrine system (hormones).

Glial cells are the inflammation brokers in your brain. When stress, a toxin pollutant, or a destructive food additive (like MSG, aspartame, or food coloring) enter your brain they induce excitotoxic reactions that inflame brain cells. This inflammation is buffered primarily by the hormone leptin and other antioxidants, a process that intimately involves the healthy function of glial cells.

When the buffering anti-inflammatory capacity of glial cells is overloaded, then inflammation becomes chronic. Minimally, this results in brain wear and tear. It is the mechanism behind all accelerated brain aging and, depending on a person's genetic weaknesses and other health issues, leads to various states of early cognitive decline and nerve-related diseases of aging such as Alzheimer's.

There is also a point at which low grade brain inflammation catches fire. In adults with an established nerve network this causes a "power outage" in the head, otherwise known as spreading depression. Such an event is typically triggered by emotional pain or physical pain of a prolonged nature or acute intensity (elevating substance P to abnormally high levels). Such trauma pushes struggling nerves over the edge.

The difference in a fetus or small child is that the nervous system is still rapidly evolving. If the brain catches fire at this age proper development of the nerves can be seriously disturbed (the autism spectrum of disorders) or functionally impaired (ADHD, lower IQ).

The adjuvant in vaccine is pro-inflammatory; i.e., neurologically excitotoxic. That is intentional so as to boost the effectiveness of the vaccine. The problem comes about when giving so many of them at once, which can injure even a perfectly healthy child. Giving multiple adjuvants is like playing Russian roulette with a child's brain. Children with already inflamed nerves are at much higher risk for reacting to multiple vaccines, as their nerves have been conditioned to hyper-react. Don't think for a moment that Dr. Gerberding and other scientists at the CDC aren't fully aware of this issue.


Drug companies, meanwhile, are seeking out new "markets" for promoting vaccines, including lobbying state legislators to pass mandatory vaccination laws, spreading fear about the Human Papilloma Virus to promote HPV vaccines, and urging parents to get their babies vaccinated for an ever-increasing number of health concerns -- including diarrhea. Intelligent, well-informed parents are increasingly asking, "Do our babies really need so many injections?"

The vaccination model of medicine is based on medical mythology promoted by Big Pharma-affiliate health authorities who do not believe the human immune system is able to adequately protect the body without chemical intervention. Vaccine believers -- which include most doctors and health officials -- insist that the only way the human immune system can properly recognize a potentially dangerous invader (such as a virus) is to intervene by injecting the body with weakened viral elements combined with inflammatory chemicals designed to activate an artificial immune system response. This inflammatory response may be partially responsible for the increase in autism and other diseases following vaccinations.
This medical mythology goes to great lengths to discount the naturopathic view of human health, which says that the human immune system should be supported rather than chemically hijacked, and that when properly supported through healthy foods, nutrition and an absence of chemical toxins, the human immune system is a fantastically effective technology that accurately identifies invading viruses and protects the body with an appropriate immune system response. Allowing the human immune system to do its job also subjects it to stresses that allow an adaptive response to unfold -- a response that strengthens the immune system against future threats, significantly lowering the risk of infection in the future.

Vaccines, on the other hand, weaken the immune system, denying it the adaptive response it needs to strengthen its defenses against future threats. But vaccine promoting health authorities think the only way to reduce the risk of infection is to administer a never-ending series of vaccination injections: one for each mutation of a virus that might be circulating in the wild. At no point does this pro-vaccine medical mythology believe the human immune system should take over and that vaccines are no longer needed. Rather, it is based on the idea that infants, children, adults and seniors must be subjected to hundreds of different vaccine injections over their lifetime. Each injection, of course, earns revenue for the drug companies that primarily sponsor the continuation of this outmoded medical paradigm.

Most vaccines are medically useless
Clinical studies show that vaccines don't work on most people. Even winter flu shots are little more than a form of medical Russian roulette, since most vaccines are built to defend against the previous year's viral strains, not the current year. And that's if they even work at all: The hard science says that senior citizens who receive vaccine shots have absolutely no reduction whatsoever in their frequency of catching the flu.

Vaccines, for the most part, are little more than modern medical quackery. It's Big Pharma's version of snake oil. Most vaccines simply don't work on most people, and some people are harmed or killed by vaccines. And while defenders of vaccines (most of whom are on the take from Big Pharma in one way or another, by the way) may claim that vaccines have eradicated infectious disease in our world over the last century or so, the simple truth is that advances in public sanitation are responsible for virtually all the improvements in infant mortality and the eradication of serious infectious disease.

Far from the mission of saving lives, Big Pharma is now pushing vaccines for conditions that pose very little threat to life in the first place. The fact that vaccines are now being pushed to prevent infant diarrhea is a perfect example. If infants are suffering from diarrhea, they need proper nutrition (get off those processed infant formula products!) and immune system support. They do not need to have their immune systems attacked by yet another chemical cocktail injected into their bodies at Big Pharma profit centers (also known as clinics and hospitals).

Vaccination is the great medical hoax of our time. One day it will stand alongside mercury fillings, public water fluoridation, antibiotics abuse, the cholesterol "disease" hoax and psychiatric drugs as one of the grandest medical cons ever perpetrated on the American people. Modern medicine has become a system driven almost entirely by profit, not by any genuine desire to save lives. And the promotion of "treatments" is more about sales and marketing than disease prevention.

Parents would do well to think twice before submitting their children to vaccines. Remember this: Autism is not reversible. The damage caused by vaccines is permanent. Protect your healthy baby from brain damage or death. Inform yourself about the side effects of vaccines, and find the courage to "just say no" to vaccine quackery.

Inform yourself now
I encourage all parents considering this issue to seek out a qualified naturopathic health practitioner and find your own answers to this vaccination question. Some parents may decide to have one or two vaccines and skip the rest, reducing the total chemical burden on their children. Some may even decide to subject their children to no vaccines whatsoever. The choice is yours.

And that's my point, actually. I believe the choice of vaccination should be up to the parents, not the government. Medical pill-pushers, on the other hand, strenuously disagree. They believe so strongly in their vaccine quackery that they insist parents who refuse to subject their children to an unlimited number of vaccines should be arrested, fined or thrown in prison. That is the view of mainstream medicine, with all its medical schools, "scientific" journals and FDA cheerleading. It is a system of medical imperialism that seeks to overthrow fundamental health freedoms and remove parents from the chain of decision making that determines the health outcome of their own children. Vaccine-pushing doctors and drug companies literally seek to criminalize parents who do not agree with their own distorted opinions on vaccines, and they truly hope to limit consumer choice, restricting parents to a single system of chemical-based medicine that has been arbitrarily designated as the one true system of medical belief by those who stand to gain the most from its adoption.

Vaccines, in other words, have been chosen not because they are based on scientific validity, but because they are consistent with the shared illusions that now serve as the very foundation of modern pharmacological medicine: That the human body has no ability protect or heal itself, and that any "real medicine" must come from outside the body, to be forcefully injected where it can override the body's innate biochemistry and eradicate some real or imagined threat. For doctors to abandon the mythology of vaccines, they would have to throw out their entire (mis)understanding of the human body and start from scratch. And they're not about to venture down that road unless someone forces them to... because who knows where that road might lead... like, perhaps, to the most frightening of all concepts to vaccine-pushing doctors: Homeopathy!

Vaccines are popular in the modern medical community for no reason other than the fact that they support the arrogant notion that doctors do all the healing, not patients. That's why the continued mythology of vaccines and chemical intervention is so dangerous to human health -- because by definition it excludes the acknowledgement of the only pathway to true healing: That the patient is the healer and that achieving lasting health can only be accomplished by supporting the patient's own internal healing technology... the amazing human immune system!

I guarantee you this: My own immune system knows more about my health than any doctor. In fact, my own immune system knows more about my health than my own conscious mind! It is impossible for a human brain to comprehend the miraculous complexity of the underlying immune system technology that protects it.

But are vaccines ever useful?
Of course, there are certain limited situations in which vaccines can be quite useful. If you're about to work in a class IV biohazard laboratory, where highly aggressive viruses like Ebola or Marburg can kill you in minutes or hours, then receiving a vaccine injection to protect you from these various strains makes good sense because the risk of injury is so high from your professional work that it makes the risk of harm from a vaccine seem small by comparison. But should the public be vaccinated against these highly virulent strains? Of course not. Such strains can never become epidemics for the simple reason that they kill their hosts too quickly.

I'm not kidding when I say that the best way to stop the spread of these rare, aggressive outbreaks of viral strains from the Conga is for all the hospital staff to flee into the hills and thereby create distance between themselves. It is an inarguable, well-documented fact that the primary hubs for the spread of such aggressive diseases are, in fact, the hospital workers themselves. Think about it: Where do sick people go first? To the hospital! And that's where the virus catches hold and starts to spread. The most dangerous place to go during any epidemic is to the hospital.

But getting back to babies and mild viral infections, should babies be subjected to the risks of vaccines in order to prevent mild, non-fatal conditions like diarrhea? Of course not. That makes no scientific sense. It does, however, make great marketing sense if you're a shareholder for one of the companies manufacturing the infant diarrhea vaccines.

Funny thing, though: The healthiest children I see are the ones playing in the dirt, wearing no sunscreen, breatfeeding and receiving no vaccine shots whatsoever. It's all the kids following the modern "scientific" lifestyle that are sick. They're the ones eating processed foods, drinking corporate-sponsored infant formula, smearing on toxic sunscreen chemicals, chugging artificial sports drinks and getting jabbed with needles all the time. Those are the kids who have allergies and weakened immune systems. Coincidence? You be the judge.


It’s becoming common knowledge in alternative medical circles that the sun, far from being the enemy to health that western medicine has made it out to be is really our best friend when it comes to health, healing, immunity and even strengthening our eyesight. How can this be? Well in this article, I’m going to show you how and teach you a little known Taoist technique to not only improve the eyesight and eye strength, but to increase your overall immunity simply by using the sun with a simple eye exercise that only takes a few seconds to do each morning and evening.

The Sun pours unimaginable amounts of radiation into our atmosphere on a daily basis. Of course, in modern times it’s well known that we can use the sun to generate electricity and it’s only recently become known that the sun is the best source of stimulating the production of vitamin D within the body which is a vital nutrient to be sure. But there is another way in which the sun heals and boosts immunity. That way is through something called the “Oculo-Endocrine System”.

As author Daniel Reid writes in his fantastic book The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity on p.247:

“The key factor in heliotherapy is the invisible ultraviolet band, and the key receptor is the retina. A layer of cells called the epithelial cells become highly neuroactive when exposed to ultraviolet radiation, without in any way affecting vision. While the visible bands of light excite the retina’s rods and cones to produce vision, the invisible ultraviolet band stimulates the adjacent epithelial cells, which transmit the stimulus as a powerful neural Impulse through the optic nerve directly to the pituitary and pineal glands. Western medicine calls this newly discovered biosystem the ‘oculo-endocrine system’, but the mechanism has been known to Taoists for ages. The discovery has spawned a new branch of western science known as ‘photobiology’,”

The Chinese (as well as other cultures) have known about the sun and its power to heal, rejuvenate and prolong life for millennia now. This is especially true within the martial arts community of the Taoist and the Shaolin monks. They made sure to get out in the sun and even practiced certain exercises which involved actually looking towards the sun but not directly at the sun. They did this in the early morning and late afternoon each day Before 9am and After 4pm when the sun was begging to get stronger and weaker. They never did it between the hours of 9am to 4pm because the sun was too strong and eye damage could occur.

Why did they do this? Because they knew that the sun contained vital life energies that were critical to the immunity and health of the body as well as that of the eyes themselves. This exercise, called “The Sun Blinking Exercise” aka “Administering Sunbeams” involves looking towards the sun using one of two different methods.

The first one is done by looking at the four points of the compass and blinking the eyes rapidly for 3-5 seconds. Look once to the north of the sun about 15 degrees above it while blinking the eyes for 3-5 seconds, then to the right (east), then below it (south), and finally to the left (West) of the sun itself. Again, don’t look directly at it since the part of the retina that we want to irrigate with the UV rays and other rays from the sun exist on the side of the eyes, not in the center. This also helps prevent any damage to the eyes themselves which is why it’s done before 9am and after 4pm in the evening when the sun is not too strong, but the amount of UV rays is quite sufficient to result is significant benefits.

The second exercise is a bit more advanced. Following the same rules as the previous exercise, we're going to roll our eyes around the sun for 3-5 seconds clockwise, then pause, look away for a few seconds, then repeat the roll in the opposite direction, counter-clockwise. This method provides a more complete irrigation of the retina with UV radiation. Just be careful not to let the eyes look directly At the sun as you move the eyes around it.

While these exercises and ideas may run counter to conventional western wisdom, the results of millions who have practiced these exercises over the millennia, including myself and many others, are strong evidence that they work. But don’t just take my word for it, try it for yourself and see the results. At first these exercises might cause your eyes to water or throb. That is due to the epithelial cells being without sufficient UV rays for so long, as well as possible atrophy of the eye muscles, which is one reason that I like the eye rolling exercises the most, which have other benefits to vision even done by themselves.

This sounds strange, I’m sure, since all our lives we have been lied to and told that we need to wear sunglasses and “protect our eyes from damaging and deadly UV rays”. It’s more lies from the medical community and the media since they know that the sun is vital to the health not only of the body through the production of vitamin D which occurs when the sun shines on our skin, but also through the “occular endocrine system” which is what is stimulated when the sun's rays enter our brain via the eyes.

The retina is the only outside nerve that has direct contact with the brain. It’s therefore the best way to get the sun's vital rays directly into the brain itself. Why would we want to do that? Again we have to get out from under the mass of lies and deceptions of the western medical world. When the sun's rays enter the brain via the optic nerve, it stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete HGH “human growth hormone”. This stimulates and significantly boosts the entire immune system, as well as strengthening the eyes themselves. Of course, if we're going to be spending all day in the sun, at the beach or outdoors, then we do want to wear sunglasses to prevent sun glare from damaging the eyes and getting too much sun, especially between the hours of 10am-2pm. But this obsession with always wearing sunglasses all the time, while driving, when outside every minute is very damaging to the health of the eyes themselves and our immunity overall. Our eyes are weak mostly due to the fact that we spend most of our lives indoors now in office buildings and our homes. When we do go out, we wear sunglasses that block out all UV light which further deprives the brain and body of the vital UV rays vital to maintaining proper vision, health and immunity.

I used to wear sunglasses all the time and I found that my vision was slowly getting weaker. Each time I went out in the sun or drove in the bright sunlight, they would hurt and I needed sunglasses all the time. After learning the truth about the sun and the damage those sunglasses were doing to my vision and eyes, I stopped using them. After a few weeks of practicing the sun blinking and eye rolling exercises, even the mid day sun no longer hurt my eyes. The eyesight also became sharper, clearer and overall my vision improved, including day and night vision.

Again, this flies in the face of all that we hear from the western medical community, the media and every other agency that tells us the sun is bad for our eyes, wear sunglasses all the time, use sun block all the time and do all that you can to avoid the sun, like it’s some kind of disease. Sure, too much of any good thing can be harmful. The only reason the sun is such a danger today is because of people’s obsession with getting a tan and fun in the sun as much as possible. If you're going to be out in the sun all day, then you do want to protect your eyes and skin from too much sun, this includes wearing sunglasses and a good organic or natural sunblock and wearing as much protective clothing as possible so that your need for sunblock is that much less.

Much of the skin cancer that they try to blame on the sun is not in fact due to the sun itself at all, but due to the out of balance ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acids in the body. This and many other factors are a major cause of skin cancer. Add to that the disinformation which tells everyone to avoid the sun, causing a lack of vitamin D in the blood and skin which protects and prevents cancer, as well as people being told to slather on generous amount of sunscreens which are also known to cause cancer and you can clearly see why the health of people throughout the western world continues to decline at an ever accelerating rate.

Here are some other comments from medical professionals on the importance of the sun:

Eyeglasses and contact lenses rob you of energy by blocking some of the ultra violet rays that travel through the eyes to the pineal gland, writes Patricia McCormac.

After discontinuing wearing his eyeglasses, Dr. John Ott writes that he exposed his eyes to the sunlight without lenses. His vision was much improved. He recommended similar therapy to his friends and they received similar improvement in their vision. Ott writes that nothing should block out the full spectrum of sunlight, no glasses of any kind to block the ultra violet rays, and especially, no dark glasses.

Sunglasses block healing ultra-violet light and thus contribute to the increased incidence of blindness and eye disease in this country, writes Dr. Jacob Liberman.

Suntan lotions should not be used because they can cause cancer, writes Dr. Zane R. Kime.

Remember too that just going to the beach every weekend to get a tan does not compensate for the other five days that we spend indoors most of the time. If anything, that makes it worse since people often sit out in the intense sun for hours on end during those weekend outdoors, when the eyes and body are not prepared for this sun thrust into intense sunlight. This increases the risk of getting sunburn and further damage to the eyes. Remember that any change to the body, even when switching to an organic diet and adding new exercises such as the sun blinking exercises, requires time and patience in order to give the body sufficient time to adapt and adjust into the new role. Train slow and smart, not fast and foolish.

It is for that reason that these exercises, like most things in the Tao, must be done on a daily basis. Only doing them here and there will not produce the results that I’m talking about here. I’ve had friends and relatives practice these exercises who have greatly improved not only their health, but their vision as well, and some have even been able to restore their vision to 20/20. Of course no one can promise any results to all individuals, since you get out of training and life just what you put into it. The very best way of giving yourself maximum odds at living a long, healthy, strong life is by following the way of nature, the way of the Tao in all things. I hope that today's article will help you to begin your own journey down that path, or to at least begin to learn more about the amazing benefits of Chinese medicine, chi-gung and in particular, the ways of the Tao or ‘natural way of the universe’.

The information presented here is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any illness.




CORONARY ARTERY BYPASS- ..Researches prove beyond doubt that the operation may only provide any benefit only 20% of the cases. 500,000 C.A.B.S are performed in the AMERICA every single year FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND of those painful, dangerous, and life-altering operations leave 40% of their victims with irreversible dementia and memory loss.

PROSTATE CANCER SURGERY- With as prevalent as prostate cancer is today, only little 3% die of it! However, of those who do have prostatectomy; 1% die..17%have difficulty urinating for life..a full 20% become incontinent..and 50% kiss to their sex life goodbye.

HYSTERECTOMY- Very popular among doctors. As many as 1 in every 3 women in AMERICA gets one by the age of 60, and half of the 700,000 HYSTERECTOMIES performed every year are may not be medically necessary. PLUS, besides scar tissues and abdominal pain, 400 women actually die from the operation itself.
LOWER BACK SURGERY- It is not only the wrong treatment- it doesn't work! Yet 300,000 AMERICAN GET THEM EVERY SINGLE YEAR..
ARTHROSCOPIC SURGERY FOR OSTEOARTHRITIS- No difference in pain relief resulting from surgery vs. fake surgery. They puncture a hole in the knee and pretend to fix it for placebo control. and that is happens 500,000 a year.


Epilepsy is a disorder characterized by recurring seizures. While most of those who suffer from epilepsy use various medications to attempt to control their seizures, many have found relief in a natural diet and other natural treatments.

First of all, let me say that I am not a fan of the ketogenic diet approach to epilepsy, such as an Atkins diet or modified diet, except as a last resort. Despite reports of success and a long history of use, there are also reports of problems and several of its features run counter to what others recommend for a diet that helps with epilepsy - most important of which is the avoidance of animal protein. Beyond that, it is my opinion (shared by a great many others) that Atkins was a true pioneer who got a great deal right but his diet was ultimately fatally flawed when the marketing became centered around the simple and unhealthy formula of basically eliminating carbs and eating just about anything else you wanted including junk food and excessive unhealthy fats. Some carbohydrates are essential for good health and strict adherence to the Atkins diet will indeed result in weight loss, but if used for any great length of time it may come with the cost of developing chronic problems that can eventually be life shortening if not life threatening.

Dietary Recommendations

* Eat sour milk products like organic yogurt and kefir.

* Include beet greens, chard, eggs, green leafy vegetables, raw cheese, raw milk, raw nuts, seeds and fermented soy products such as miso, tempeh and natto.

* Drink fresh "live" juices made from beets, carrots, green beans, green leafy vegetables, peas, red grapes, and seaweed for concentrated nutrients.

* Eat small meals, do not drink large quantities of liquids at once, and take 2 tablespoons of olive oil daily.

* Avoid alcoholic beverages, animal protein, fried foods, artificial sweeteners such as Aspartame, caffeine, and nicotine. Avoid refined foods and sugar.

Some of the most important vitamins and minerals for epilepsy:


* L-Carnitine

* L-tyrosine

* Magnesium

* Oxygen enhancing products (Such as OxyGen)

* Selenium

* Taurine

* Vitamin B Complex

* Extra Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

* Folic Acid

* Pantothenic Acid

* Calcium

* Zinc

Important herbs for epilepsy include:

* Alfalfa

* Black cohosh, hyssop and lobelia (for best results use on a rotating basis)

Caution: Do not use the black cohosh during pregnancy. Avoid the herb sage - this herb should not be taken by anyone with a serious disorder.

Other recommendations

* If the bowels do not move each day, before going to bed, take a lemon enema using the juice of two lemons and 2 quarts of distilled water.

* Take an Epsom salts bath twice a week

* Work towards self care. Keep drug dosages as low as possible, and work towards becoming as free from drugs and seizures as possible. The correct diet and nutritional supplements are very important in the control of epilepsy.

* Get regular moderate exercise to improve circulation to the brain.

* As much as possible, avoid stress.

If you are present when someone is having a seizure:

* Do not restrain the person.

* Do not try to put anything in the person's mouth. A person having a seizure may bite his or her tongue, but this is not life threatening.

* Try to restrain a fall so that the person does not hit something as he or she collapses. Often, the person knows he or she is about to have a seizure and you can ask him or her to sit on the floor, or help him or her sit down.

* Leave the person lying flat on a safe surface. Do not put anything under the person's head. If possible, turn the person onto his or her side, propping him or her in that position with cushions at the back during the seizure. This way, any saliva or blood from a bitten tongue will be able to flow out of the mouth.

* In case of the loss of bladder or bowel control, if possible, loosely cover the person with a blanket to protect his or her privacy.

* Do not panic. Loosen any tight clothing to make the person more comfortable. Stay with the person until the seizure has stopped. He or she may be confused and tired immediately after the seizure.

* If the person has repeated seizures, one after another, seek medical assistance. With a baby or young child, medical help should be sought immediately.


Most people who have epilepsy are aware of their condition and take medication to control the seizures. Possible side effects of antiseizure medications include blood disorders, fatigue, liver problems, and mental fatigue or fogginess.

Other types of drugs can interact with antiseizure medications, lessening or intensifying the effects of one drug or another. Alcohol, birth control pills, the antibiotic erythromycin, and some types of asthma, ulcer and heart medications are known to interact with certain epilepsy drugs.


Certain types of fruits and vegetables are rich in a powerful, yet little-known nutrient called beta-cryptoxanthin.
This phytonutrient was shown in a medical study of 25,000 people to cut the risk of inflammatory arthritis in half.
A large health study following the diets of Americans between ages 45 and 74 found that those who ate produce high in beta-cryptoxanthin had a 50% lower risk of arthritis.
Imagine—you might not need drugs for joint pain because you won’t have the pain in the first place!
Get full details on the delicious foods to eat to help prevent arthritis and relieve joint pain in my special report, Everything Your Health Food Store Won’t Tell You.


Foods can heal you in ways drugs never can. Why? Because our bodies evolved over millions of years to thrive on foods. Foods are nature’s way to repair, restore and rejuvenate. They heal your body without dangerous side effects.
There’s a saying in natural medicine: “For every disease known to man, there’s a country where it virtually doesn’t exist.” The Japanese have lower rates of heart disease. East Indians rarely get Alzheimer’s. What makes the difference? Diet.
The top killers—such as heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, even arthritis, asthma, and allergies—are all linked to our diets. And these could all be reversed and prevented by eating the right foods.

Miracle Phytonutrient #1:

Nutrient in Blueberries Lowers Cholesterol Like Prescription Drugs!
Pterostilbene is a remarkable phytonutrient that is making big news.

It’s a powerful antioxidant found in blueberries. Scientists are buzzing about its amazing cancer-fighting and cholesterol-lowering ability.
Results from Research Study
Researchers tried to see if pterostilbene could lower cholesterol. They tested it against ciprofibrate, a cholesterol-lowering drug. The study explored how each ingredient helped cells metabolize cholesterol.
The results showed that Pterostilbene was just as effective as prescription drugs in reducing cholesterol!
Need to reduce your cholesterol? Just enjoy some blueberries. How’s that for a delicious bonus from your dessert?


In the next 22 minutes, 100 Americans will die under the care of sincere conventional MDs. But during that time, you can discover the safe, natural, yet virtually unknown alternatives that could have saved 95 of them...

And one of them might be YOU.

Save yourself a lot of pain, money-and maybe even your own life.

Get the real story here, right now. . .

In the next few
minutes, you could

* Heart Disease/Stroke
* Cancer
* High Blood Pressure
* Diabetes
* Arthritis
* Obesity
* Alzheimer's

There's a simple first step to defeating all of these killers and more: Stop listening to the lies of mainstream medicine

Dear Misled Friend,

They're lying to you.

Your doctors, the drug companies, your HMO...

They're all perpetuating dangerous medical myths, and for all the wrong reasons. Sometimes it's to cut costs. Sometimes it's to sell more drugs. And sometimes it's just because they don't know any better. Think about it: Just because a doctor doesn't know he's wrong doesn't mean it can't kill you.

In fact, in the next 22 minutes, 100 people just like you across America will have died from the 7 most dangerous lies the mainstream medical establishment tells to patients every day. They aren't just 'little white lies,' either-they involve big-league killers like cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer's and more...

You may have even already been told one or more of these 'killer' lies yourself!

But even if you have, there's no reason you have to succumb to it. If you keep reading, you'll discover these '7 deadly lies' of mainstream medicine-straight from the archives of the Health Sciences Institute (HSI), the one health organization that can save you from the fate so many of your misled neighbors have succumbed to because of these lies...

LIE #1
'Chemo and radiation are your best hope.'

'Your tests are showing that the cancer has metastasized to your lymph nodes.'

I'm going to have to start you on chemotherapy and radiation this week...'

I desperately hope you will never hear these words. We work night and day to make sure you'll have every weapon you need to stay cancer-free for the rest of your life. And even if you were to discover tomorrow morning that you already have cancer, you could still get well simply and naturally-without drugs, radiation, or chemotherapy. We've heard reports of success from our members all over the world. There are literally dozens of methods of knocking cancer out of your system...

The problem is that your doctor doesn't know about them. He's hopelessly stuck with the outdated cancer treatments he learned in medical school-many of which are now proven NOT TO WORK. But only a small sliver of the medical community knows the REAL CURES. You are now about to discover what may be the most remarkable cure of them all.

An 86% Cure Rate for
Hopeless Cancer Patients

In 1999, a leading doctor in cancer treatment was sought out by a number of cancer patients who were so far gone that their bodies weren't responding to any of the standard therapies. Because they were classified as 'untreatable,' he decided to give them a new therapy that showed promise-a non-sugar component of a glycoside group called AGS.

Five years later, all of these patients were supposed to be dead, but 86% of them were still alive and kicking. So we know AGS works!

Since then, he has been seeing more successes, and his biopsy technicians are rubbing their eyes in disbelief at how fast it works.

The 24-Hour Miracle

It kills cancer cells in one day. Researchers have used AGS on deadly melanoma tumors, and cancer cell death comes at high speed-reported results have been in as little as 24 hours. Remarkable, huh? No, it's stupendous. Imagine: If you were diagnosed with cancer next Tuesday, wouldn't it be terrific to find out on Wednesday that it's definitely going away?

AGS shuts down tumors without dissolving them chemically. One of the hottest fields in cancer research is the tactic of 'starving' tumors to death by shutting off their blood supply-a gentle solution that beats chemotherapy by a mile and a half. Researchers used AGS on cancer cells that had spread to patients' lungs (once it's there, it usually goes everywhere), and incredibly, it shrank the lung tumors and stopped the disease in its tracks!

It beats even the new super-cancers. Here's the dirty little secret of chemo: It's rapidly creating new kinds of cancer that don't respond to conventional treatment at all. Just as germs become resistant to antibiotics, these new cancers are multiple-drug resistant. Near-frantic authorities are predicting four million people worldwide will soon die of these super-cancers. But insiders at a biotech firm investigating AGS recently leaked the incredible news that AGS has also been found to be effective in drug-resistant cancers. If the medical establishment would only wise up and get behind AGS, they could save three times more lives than have been lost in all the wars in U.S. history combined.

It has zero side effects. You've seen women lose every strand of their beautiful hair. That's because chemo and radiation attack growing cells, hair follicles being the first target. You've seen patients choose to die rather than continue to face the terror of nauseating treatments. But all this could be over with. Tests of AGS have concluded that it is non-toxic and carries with it no adverse effects. If you're quick on the trigger, you've spotted the meaning of this: AGS is so gentle that you can start taking it regularly as a preventive, to keep yourself cancer-free forever.

Hard to believe, but new studies are starting to show that AGS works on colon, lung, ovarian, kidney, and brain cancers. And another physician, Dr. Paul Ling Tai, is now seeing amazing results in patients with the deadliest cancer of all: Pancreatic.

The Bad News, the Good News

A prominent biotech firm (I can't mention the name) is pulling out all the stops to develop a drug based on AGS. But first, they have to take AGS apart molecule by molecule, then reconstruct the main ingredients artificially so they can patent it. After that comes the maddening, slow approval process. In a decade, it might be in the pharmacy.

You'll find out more cancer cures like this one in your free bonus collection, The 50 Very Best Solutions to the Worst Health Problems of Today. Keep reading and you'll get the real, original AGS-at a fraction of the cost you'll pay for the drug version once it's even available!

LIE #2
'Your heart's a ticking time bomb...'

'You can't just walk out of here. Why, you're a ticking time bomb! You could have a heart attack in the parking lot before you even reach your car. I'm scheduling you for a bypass operation first thing in the morning...'

That's the famous 'time bomb' speech that has been used so successfully on thousands of people-few of whom actually needed any kind of operation. Some doctors aren't this aggressive. They give you a kinder, gentler version of the speech:

'You could go at any time if you're not careful. But we can manage your condition pretty easily with medication. I'm putting you on a daily dose of...'

Of course, 'managing' your condition isn't even remotely like curing it. If you knuckle under to this advice, you'll be taking Lipitor, Mevacor, Zocor, Lescol, Crestor, Advicor, Coumadin, aspirin, or various prostaglandins for the rest of your life. But the speech doesn't mention that, does it?

But in just a minute, I'll show you a dozen ways of actually curing your problem with cholesterol or high blood pressure. The fastest, cheapest, and most
powerful is what I call...

The 44-cent Preventive for Dropping Dead

Most of the medical profession is in distress about cardiovascular disease because they have no good solutions for it. That's why, over the next 20 to 30 years, hundreds of people you've met will die of myocardial infarctions, strokes, and so forth. The victims have something in common-they all believe anything they hear from someone in a white lab coat.

You, however, aren't one of these people. Just follow through on the simple information that follows, and your blood vessels can stay open and flowing like the Nile. Best of all, you'll do this without drugs or their dreaded side effects. The solution to blood clots is a food, an inexpensive Asian food (also available in pill form). If you can afford 44 cents a day, you've just added a lot of healthy years to your life.

How the University of Chicago
is Saving Millions with a
Japanese Delicacy

A researcher at University of Chicago's Medical School has discovered that an extremely inexpensive natural food is more effective at healing and preventing heart disease and strokes than the best medical treatments costing $20,000 per dose.

Dr. Hiroyuki Sumi found that a traditional Japanese dish made from fermented soybeans dissolves blood clots with unmatched speed. He identified an enzyme in the cheese-like food that prevents heart attacks, strokes, and angina (plus plain old-fashioned senility) without any of the horrid side effects of drugs. (If a clot goes to your brain, you have a stroke; if it goes to your heart, you have a heart attack.)

To his great surprise, he found that when he put one drop of this food onto a blood clot in his lab, it dissolved the entire clot in only 18 hours. That's a stark contrast to the $20,000 substance (Urokinase), which fizzles out quickly and has a half-life of just 20 minutes at best.

Proven for You and Fido, Too

This incredible edible is not just a laboratory wonder. Get the latest on how well it works in the real world.

Researchers began with animal studies. In a single-blind study on male dogs with blood clots, a single serving dissolved the clots completely in five hours! After 18 hours, the clots in the dogs that got a placebo were as big as ever.

Then they tried rats, the soy derivative bested plasmin, the natural clot-fighting substance you have in your own arteries, by four times over.

In human studies, it was again a success: It cut in half the time required for the subjects' bodies to dissolve clots. That means your blood approaches the ideal condition quite rapidly.

No Side Effects Here

Instead of side effects, like drugs, this all-natural cure typically furnishes a bouquet of side benefits:

* Stimulates your body to produce more of its own clot-dissolving plasmin. In contrast, most drugs weaken your body's ability to fight its own battles.
* Lowers blood pressure. In human tests, blood pressure fell 10% in four days.
* May ward off osteoporosis.
* Proven to combat senility.
* Works strongly to prevent heart attacks and strokes-with just one small 100-milligram capsule per day.
* Has a 100% safety record. Unlike the commonly prescribed drug Coumadin, it won't make your blood too thin, no matter how much of it you eat.

Potent But Fun

This isn't a novelty or a lightweight remedy. In fact, one noted naturopathic doctor says that this product represents the most exciting new development and treatment of cardiovascular disease. Many of his patients had tried everything else, even bypass surgery-they came to him as a last resort to stay alive.

Eating this cure-all is nothing like taking a drug. If you have a taste for Asian food, you'll enjoy it. (Try it with hot mustard.) A dried variety is even served now by Japan Airlines with in-flight meals and as a snack with beer.

Saving your life was never so simple!

To learn more heart disease treatments, consult your free special collection, The 50 Very Best Solutions to the Worst Health Problems of Today. Keep reading to get yours today...

LIE #3
'It's just a normal
part of aging...'

'There's nothing you can do about your (insert mainstream-baffling medical problem here). You'll just have to learn to live with it...'

The best weapon for fighting this kind of medical incompetence is your coat: When you hear such nonsense, grab it and run. Instead, I'd like to tell you about...

The 160-year-old Rat, the
400-year-old Caterpillar, and
Your 130th Birthday Party

Yes, modern science can actually make certain species live to these ages, at least in 'animal years'-while remaining in great health. In fact, scientists have gotten a few roundworms past the 500-year mark. Regular Methuselahs!

No one, of course, wants to live an extra 40 years in a wheelchair, wheezing and unable to add 2 + 2. But that's not what they're finding in experiments on animals. We're finding we can extend middle age, not old age. We're making it possible to keep playing golf and tennis, not to keep driving ourselves to the proctologist's office.

Just from current trends, your grandchildren will likely have an average life expectancy of 100 years. But that doesn't begin to take into account the incredible advances you'll soon be learning about in your FREE collection of The 50 Very Best Solutions to the Worst Health Problems of Today. It's just one of the 9 anti-aging weapons you'll get if you follow my advice below. And here's the biggest one right now...

The Granddaddy of
All Hormones

There is wide and growing agreement among both conventional and alternative doctors that one hormone is the golden key-the magic mechanism that runs your biological clock and drives all your body systems like nitro-methane propels a top-fuel dragster. Can you guess what it is?

It's not melatonin. Take melatonin, you live longer. It's that simple, and many studies have proven it. Yet melatonin is not the master key.

It's not DHEA. By volume, it's the main hormone in your body. Yet by age 80, you'll have just 5% of the amount you had at 20. That's not enough. What do people with cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, and Alzheimer's all have in common? Low levels of DHEA in their blood. Still, DHEA is far less of a variable in your longevity than the key hormone below.

It's not testosterone, thymosin, pregnenolone, and other helpful hormones. They all take a back seat to...


In case you're new to natural medicine, that's Human Growth Hormone, and it's a blockbuster. For power and sheer longevity, nothing even comes close.

In the classic 1990 study (reported in the New England Journal of Medicine), Daniel Rudman, M.D., gave HGH to 21 men between 61 and 81 years old. The average man gained 8.8% in lean muscle (without any extra exercise) and lost 14.4% in fat.

In addition, they had new interest in sex (and with better performance), thicker skin, and lots of other differences. Dr. Rudman summarized the subjects' improvements as equivalent in magnitude to the changes incurred during 10 to 20 years of aging. One subject said, 'I get up and look in the mirror in the morning, and there's a 35-year-old man staring back at me!'

Sadly, though, HGH costs $10,000 to $30,000 a year for the injections.

50-Something Forever

Yes, with HGH, a comfortable, vigorous life at 120 is now in sight. Soon, people will live to be 150 or more...

But how? Aren't the costs too high for ordinary budgets?

It doesn't have to be - not if you avail yourself to the incredible health resource I'm about to introduce you to. They have an effective, yet low-cost solution - a specific solution based on one encouraging medical fact: Your faithful pituitary gland is still making plenty of HGH and will likely continue to do so for the rest of your life.

In 1997, new ground was plowed when a myth-shattering report was presented to the American College for Advancement in Medicine by Drs. James Jamieson and L.E. Dorman. They announced their findings that the pituitary continues to produce plenty of HGH well into a person's 70s and 80s. That means we wouldn't need expensive injections if only we could find a way to coax all that perfectly good HGH out of its hiding place in the middle of our brains.

In other words, you've likely got plenty of HGH stacked up in your pituitary gland. It's just not being excreted into your bloodstream. By age 65, only 15% to 20% of it gets out (compared to what got out when you were 25).

That Jamieson-Dorman report was a loud sound of opportunity knocking on the minds of lots of medical pioneers. And did they ever answer the door! In a short time, dozens of formulations hit the market, each promising to make the pituitary cough up its hidden store of HGH on a daily basis...

Only one problem: They don't all work. In fact, a lot of them don't work, to put it kindly.

But you'll know which ones do, if you keep reading. The best we've found here at HSI is a formula sold out of Oregon in the form of effervescent tablets. It was tested on 36 subjects and found to exceed the benefits of HGH injection treatments! Without any side effects.

Plop, Plop, Fizz, Fizz, and
They Lost 10 to 20 Years!

Some doctors who are prescribing the Oregon formula claim it's 3 to 4 times more effective than human growth hormone itself. And the remarkable thing is that it doesn't contain one molecule of HGH; it's simply a clever blend of proteins, botanical extracts, amino acids, and other pituitary-kicking ingredients.

In the test, all subjects had more energy, endurance, and muscle (with less fat) after just 4 weeks. After just 8 weeks, they reported new hair growth, a restoration of former hair color, and improved skin texture, among other things. Further testing showed reduced LDL cholesterol, sharper vision, improved memory, and better sex. Still with no side effects.

And if you're as skeptical as I am about taking things that could mess up your body long term, you'll be happy to know that whereas HGH shots eventually make your pituitary lazy and reduce its output, the Oregon formula actually increases your own natural production of HGH.

Respond now and get it in your FREE collection of The 50 Very Best Solutions to the Worst Health Problems of Today, concise reports on exactly how you can roll back your calendar to better days-and learn to really 'live in the past!' You'll also discover the dedicated group who's making this formula available to thousands. You could be one of them...

The Oregon formula costs more than a typical supplement, but it is far cheaper than the $1,000 to $2,500 typical monthly cost of HGH injections. And though we have no financial ties to the distributor, we have arranged for a limited time for our member to purchase the formula at a discount. To find out how to take advantage of this exclusive members-only offer, turn to page 23 for details on how to join the Health Sciences Institute.

LIE #4
'You have to start on insulin right away...'

'I'm sorry, but your hypoglycemia has blown up into full diabetes, and there's no cure for that. You're going to have to start on daily injections of insulin, or you're looking at kidney failure, blindness, stroke, or amputations...'

The diabetes epidemic has snuck up on us and become the sixth-leading cause of U.S. deaths: Over 200,000 in 2002. And it's only getting worse.

Are you between 40 and 74? Then there's a 30% chance you're already diabetic or pre-diabetic. If a 30% risk doesn't disturb you, check your pulse. If you eat like an average American, chances are 8% that you already have full-blown diabetes-and about 40% that you're pre-diabetic...and barreling full speed down the highway to sugar hell.

Unfortunately, you have a lot of company: 20.8 million fellow Americans with diabetes. Also, the government estimates that 41 million Americans have pre-diabetes, meaning blood sugar high enough to dramatically increase their risk of getting the real thing in 5 to 10 years. And according to Dr. Francine Kaufman, past president of the American Diabetes Association, most of these people have no idea they're at risk.

There Is a Way Out

Yes, a strict diet of veggies would keep you free from diabetes.

But you don't have to go to that extreme. Unknown to the public and most doctors, there are proven plant nutrients you can take in pill form that maintain blood sugar at levels close to the ideal-even if you sometimes fall off the sugar 'wagon.'

After considerable research-wading through countless scientific papers, home remedy reports, and testimonials-HSI's group of dedicated health pioneers (you'll meet them in a minute) has found a bouquet of 4 herbal and plant extracts that does the impossible. It not only keeps your blood sugar in check (as drugs do), it actually helps your body rebuild the organs that control your blood sugar.

Do you buckle up?

That's good. But what if I told you that your chances of dying from diabetes are 4.7 times higher than dying in a car crash.

Four Miracles in One

The four are fenugreek, gymnema sylvestre, konjac mannan, and the nopal cactus.

In the right proportions, they work together like a dream. As one physician reported to me, this mix produced results that doctors have not seen before, even with hard-core drugs. For instance, one 56-year-old patient in Indiana had scored 9.0 on the standard A1C diabetes test (severely diabetic). After just 6 weeks on this proprietary blend of herbals and cactus, she scored 5.7 (under 6 is considered healthy) and got off insulin for the first time in 10 years. Ask any diabetic: That's terrific!

It's Out of Hand!

Individually, each of these 4 ingredients shows good results. (Notably, one of them has been found to actually regenerate cells in the pancreas.) The literature abounds with reductions in blood sugar by averages like 30%, 54%, 52%, 53%, 84%, etc. But acting together, they do even better. Six months of testing on humans showed that in almost every case, blood sugar dropped into the normal range-without side effects.

One test subject, for example, saw his blood sugar fall 500 points in only 2 weeks. This 'cactus cocktail' yields similar dramatic declines in blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, and other key indicators. Unlike a pharmaceutical drug, it's very body-friendly stuff!

Find out about it in your free bonus collection, The 50 Very Best Solutions for the Worst Health Problems of Today. Let us send it to you right away-learn how to get it below...

LIE #5
'Only a calcium channel blocker can control your high blood pressure...'

'You're 135 over 95, which puts you in dangerous territory. But we can bring that right down with a calcium channel blocker...'

High Blood Pressure! Flaky Memory! Saggy Skin! Hard Arteries! Brittle bones! What's Going on Here?

If you have 4 or 5 of these problems, it may not be your heart at all-you probably have a calcium deficiency. How is that possible? After all, you eat the right food. And you take extra calcium...
Fine. But your precious calcium isn't tooling around in your bloodstream like it's supposed to. Instead, it takes the first off-ramp it finds...and buries itself into your artery walls and muscle cells. Millions and millions of calcium ions jam into those cells as if they were in a phone-booth-stuffing contest. So after 40 years of leaking calcium:

* Your calcium-logged cells are putting increased pressure on surrounding tissues, especially your arteries. This squeeze on your arteries begins to hike your blood pressure.
* Your capillaries stiffen and lose their ability to pass enough blood. Little bags appear below your eyes. Wrinkles sprout here and there. Varicose veins pop up.
* Your blood-brain barrier (which is supposed to guard your brain from pathogens) becomes a Berlin Wall. The squished capillaries in your head won't pass enough blood to enable you to remember why you just walked into the living room.
* Your bones lose out in the intrabody competition for calcium and begin to honeycomb-even if you guzzle enough milk to drain a herd of Holsteins.

Dozens of spin-off problems begin to subtly slow you down. You may even get ambushed by diabetes or breast cancer. But the main symptom is . . .

High Blood Pressure

If you have even a little bit of hypertension, the U.S. government wants to put you on drugs for the rest of your life. Until last year, blood pressure of 130/90 was no great cause for alarm-just a notch above the ideal of 120/80. Now it sets off bells like a three-alarm fire!

Visit a conventional M.D. today, and he will want you to start taking a calcium channel blocker drug even if you're showing just 130/90. He won't mention anything about when you'll stop taking it. (People don't usually stop taking hypertension drugs because the doctor pronounces them cured; they stop because they're sick and tired of all the side effects.)

About 25% of Americans now are categorized as having high blood pressure. More and more victims are trapped on the treadmill to oblivion. What's the real problem here? Too much salt on the steak? Too much stress? (If that were the case, we could wipe out hypertension nationwide in 6 months just by getting everyone to cut back on the salt and start off the morning with an LP of Montovani instead of The New York Times.)

No, the root problem for salt-sensitive souls is something quite different.

How 88% of All the
Hypertension Cases in
North America Could Be
Wiped Out Immediately

When your body produces too much of two natural hormones, they play tag-team havoc in your system. Parathyroid hormone (PH) is good for you, but an excess of it is becoming quite common for environmental reasons. And when it occurs, it triggers an excess of parathyroid hyperintensive factor (PHF), which is bad stuff. The extra PHF drives your calcium out of your bloodstream and into the mischief zones.

That's where the doctors come in with their calcium channel blocking drugs to artificially keep the calcium out of mischief. But alas, the drugs often cause as much mischief as they prevent. Now the good news:

An all-natural solution has been found. The discoverer
of PHF, the head of the Department of Physiology at the University of Alberta, has put together a simple compound that works in a startling 88% of cases. When combined with a change-of-lifestyle regimen, test subjects had an average drop in blood pressure from 171/108 to 126/83!

By any measure, that is dramatic. Through equal amounts of lab experiment work and blind luck, Dr. Peter Pang's Vancouver research team stumbled onto a mix of just 2 ingredients, an ancient Tibetan mushroom extract and a new fish by-product, that work together like magic to begin knocking down your blood pressure in 10 to 30 days-without side effects.

It could transform your health in more ways than you can count. To learn more ways to control your blood pressure check out your free collection, The 50 Very Best Solutions to the Worst Health Problems of Today.